Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Skelebrator-Inline Isolation Valve Replacement

In building a model from an external source such as a GIS, the GIS may be set up such that isolation valves split a pipe into two separate pipes. These isolation valves are usually imported into WaterGEMS as throttling control valves (TCV) or general purpose valves (GPV) with ModelBuilder. This is due to the fact that WaterGEMS isolation valves are attached to pipes and do not split them.

While models that split pipes with a TCV or GPV will run, they are usually about twice as large as one that models isolation valves as attached to a single pipe and not splitting pipes. In Skelebrator, it is possible to automatically convert all or a selection of valves into WaterGEMS isolation valves, and merge the pipes on either side of the valve into a single pipe element. This process is shown graphically below. The pipes that are merged are treated the same as they are under the series pipe merging option except that the isolation valve element is maintained at its original location and can be used for segmentation.

See Inline Isolating Valve Replacement for details on using this option.